Chess Universe Blog


10 Easy Steps To Win At Chess Fast

Want to win fast in every chess game? Focus on these tips and tricks and it will certainly help you achieve the goal of winning chess games against both family, friends and foes.
by Milica Knezevic on January 03, 2022
Chess puzzles

Let's Do Some Chess Puzzles

Let's explore some fun chess puzzles that beginners will love! You can start your logical engines going as you start to use all the tools we learned so far! Good luck and be sure to study the problem and the solution! Happy New Year and remember, chess is the perfect game for your brain!
by Milica Knezevic on January 03, 2022
Mikahil Tal Grandmaster

Discovering Grandmasters - Who Was Mikhail Tal

Read all about a chess legend who's name and game play's are still mentioned to this day! Soak up the knowledge and enjoy the world of Mikhail Tal.
by Milica Knezevic on December 30, 2021
Garry Kasparov Grandmaster

Discovering Grandmasters - Who Is Garry Kasparov

Who exactly was Garry Kasparov and how did he become one of the most influential figures in chess? Learn all about one of Russia's best and most famous Chess Grandmasters. Discover it all in this article!
by Milica Knezevic on December 29, 2021
Bobby Fischer

Discovering Grandmasters - Who Was Bobby Fischer

Wanna learn what makes a grandmaster? Join us and discover facts and stories about one of the world's most famous grandmasters! Let's take a walk down memory lane and remember one of the greatest chess players of all time!
by Milica Knezevic on December 29, 2021
Common Beginner Mistakes In Chess

Common Beginner Mistakes In Chess

Mistakes are normal for every beginning, and this logic especially goes for chess beginners. If you are just starting to get into the game, we recommend you go through our article and learn what are the most common mistakes a beginner makes in chess.
by Milica Knezevic on December 27, 2021


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